Annoucement on Significant Event
Stock Codes: A Share 600801 B Share 900933 Ref: Lin 2009-008
Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd. and its Board of Directors guarantee that the information in the announcement is true, accurate and complete, and shall be jointly liable for the false and misleading statement or material omission in this announcement.
On June 15, 2009, the Company received a written notice from Holcim, the actual controller of the biggest shareholder of the Company; the Board of Holcim has decided to fully subscribe the Company’s A shares planned private placement (2009) in accordance to the proportion of Holchin B. V. in Huaxin Cement. Holcim’s participation in the company’s private placement shall be approved by the Board of Directors. The Company intends to convene a Board Meeting to review Holcim’s subscription, and accordingly, make amendment to the original proposal.
It is herewith announced.
Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd.
Board of Directors
June 16th,2009